After School Enrichment will begin this week on Thursday, August 22nd. It begins right after school and lasts until 4:30. This is open to all area students K-12. Any questions, contact Mrs. Keck.
18 days ago, MaryKay Keck
NCKnights football, volleyball, cross country pix Thurs, Aug. 22. Online Ordering only. Link expires midnight on 23rd.
20 days ago, Tammy Ripley
Fall Sports Scrimmage information:
20 days ago, Mike Stephen
Still have extra peaches!! Multipurpose room $52 for a box and $26 for a half box. We will be here until 5 pm
Colorado Peaches pick up from 9am-5pm @ KPCS Grade School Gym on August 16th. We have extra if you didn't order!
24 days ago, Ellen Trahan
We inadvertently missed placing the Technology Usage Agreement and Protection Plan on the schools web site. It is now there and the kids in grades 7-12 can print it themselves or pick one up in the office. Parents you do need to sign this and a fee of $35.00 will be needed before they can take computers home.
26 days ago, Tammy Ripley
Keya Paha FFA has a great showing for helping at the KBR rodeo today! Students have done a great job at putting in community service hours all summer long and making a positive impact!
28 days ago, Ellen Trahan
A few Keya Paha FFA members helped with the KBR high school rodeo today! They will be back tomorrow! Not pictured: Landon
Keya Paha FFA Colorado Peaches are arriving August 16th, 2024!!! Pick up at the Ag. Shop from 9 am-5pm.
about 1 month ago, Ellen Trahan
Don't forget about our Open House! Thanks to the PTO there will be a light supper. You can visit classrooms, meet your teacher, get help with registration, sign all that paperwork and get it turned in, pick up a goodie bag and get your back to school photo taken in our Photo Booth and maybe win a door prize! We are excited to see you on August 12 from 5:30 pm until 7 pm.
about 1 month ago, Rachel Hall
Join our team and support student achievement! We would love to have you as part of our school community!
The FFA Officer team for the 2024-2025 school went on their officer retreat to the Black Hills this past week. On Monday, the officer team, along with Mrs. Trahan and Tonya Stephen departed from Springview at 2:00 pm for the five-hour drive to their Airbnb. On the way up, the officers brainstormed ideas on ways to help our local chapter thrive. Once we got to Spearfish, SD, they decided to stop and get pizza at a local pizza shop. After everyone got their filling of pizza, they continued their journey until they reached Lead, SD, the group made a pit stop at the grocery store to pick up food for the stay. After the team arrived, everyone made s'mores and called it a night. The next morning, the team ate some breakfast and then started to grind on planning out as much as possible for the upcoming year. That afternoon, the officers had a Zoom meeting with Victoria from the Nebraska FFA Association about a new sponsorship program. After a hard day of working, the officers had grilled burgers for supper and decided to go relax in the hot tub included with the Airbnb. The next morning, the group ate a quick breakfast and headed to a short rodeo preview in Deadwood, SD, where Zayle and Kit got to meet Shad Mayfield, a tie-down roper who has competed in the NFR and won the World Championship in 2020. After the team was done in Deadwood, the group came back to the cabin and finished up a few little details for their first FFA Meeting on the first day of school, and ran through a practice meeting. After that, everyone hung around the cabin and got ready to take FFA pictures. The group found some beautiful scenery to take officer pictures. After the team got back to the cabin, everyone changed and took a scenic drive around Lead. The group stopped at a lookout of an old mine and took a few more pictures, before the group headed back to the cabin, they stopped at a local ice cream shop for a sweet treat. Once everyone finished their sweets, they headed back to the cabin and got everything packed up and cleaned so they could adventure to Mount Rushmore early in the morning. After a delicious supper and an eventful day, the team decided to relax in the hot tub once more before heading out the next morning.
about 2 months ago, Karlene Kepler
The KPCS calendar is now available on the Apple APP store.