SAE visits part 2
over 2 years ago, Ellen Trahan
Angela milking her Dairy Cow
Straining Milk
Hannah and one of her many Dwarf Nigerian Goats
Shalee and her horse Raven
One of the best parts of being an Agricultural Educator is getting to visit the students and see their projects that they work on through out the year as part of agricultural class. SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) is what these projects are called. They are designed to help students find what they are passionate about and help make that into a career. #taggedtoteachag
over 2 years ago, Ellen Trahan
Kassie with her Corgi Puppies
John with his fish carving projects
Karlene working on setting up her Food Science project
Angela expanding her Dairy project
Peach Sales are here!! All Funds from peach sales support the Annual Ag. Business Trip!
over 2 years ago, Ellen Trahan
All Funds go toward the Annual Ag. Business Trip
Fall ACT testing dates. Please note registration dates! Testing sites are located in Ainsworth and Valentine.
over 2 years ago, Alanna Hoover
ACT dates
North Central High School Fall Sports Parent Meetings Volleyball - Gym Rock County @6:00 pm on August 1st Keya Paha @6:00pm on August 8th. Cross Country Will be held in conjunction with team meetings on Tuesday, August 2nd. 8:00am at Bassett 9:30am at Springview Football Monday night August 8th at Springview at 7pm
over 2 years ago, Tammy Ripley
Back To School Checklist and information now available on school website!
over 2 years ago, Brandon Crawford
Check out the elementary school supply checklist! School starts soon!
over 2 years ago, Linnea Steinhauser
School Supply Checklist
Cherry County Clinic School Physical Dates Tuesday, July 26, 7:30am-9:30am Friday, August 5, 2:00pm-4:00pm Ainsworth Family Clinic Physicals By appointment only Rock County Clinic Physicals By appointment only Greater Sandhills Clinic Physicals By appointment only
over 2 years ago, Brandon Crawford
SAE visits will be starting tomorrow. Check out this student’s SAE project!
over 2 years ago, Ellen Trahan
Fall Practice
over 2 years ago, Tammy Ripley
fall practice
NSAA Sports Physical Forms and Parent/Student Consent Forms are on the school website under "Parent" or in Documents - High School on mobile app. Back to school forms will be released after approval at the August School Board Meeting and due date will be adjusted accordingly.
over 2 years ago, Brandon Crawford
Keya Paha County had a new member of the Nebraska Farm Bureau’s The Crew. Be watching for Sydney Linse’s posts on social media!
over 2 years ago, Ellen Trahan
2022-2023 The Crew
Coaching positions still available and are listed below. If you are interested let Mr. Stephen know at JH Head Football HS Asst Girls Basketball JH Head Girls Basketball JH Asst Girls Basketball JH Asst Boys Basketball HS Head Track
over 2 years ago, Luke Wroblewski
Below you will find information on the Dual Credit classes offered this coming fall through Northeast Community College. If any Juniors or Seniors have decided to sign up for a dual credit class over the summer, please contact me at and we can get them set up before the Fall semester starts! There will also be a Dual Credit CNA class offered in Ainsworth for the Fall semester each Tuesday all day, if any students are interested.
over 2 years ago, Alanna Hoover
KP gym will be closed until July 9th for gym floor refinishing.
over 2 years ago, Brandon Crawford
Gym Floor Refinished
Keya Paha FFA will be selling Colorado Peaches again this year! Funds will be used for FFA members to attend National FFA Convention and our Annual Ag. Business Trip. Peaches will be $50 per box. No Pre-Ordering this year. Peaches will be here in August.
over 2 years ago, Ellen Trahan
Wrestling camp
over 2 years ago, Mike Stephen
wrestling camp
North Central Youth Volleyball Camps
over 2 years ago, Brandon Crawford
North Central Youth Volleyball Camps
Attention: Universal free school meals have ended at the end of this school year (2021/2022). Keya Paha County Schools will still be accepting applications for Free and Reduced meals next school year. Be on the look out for more information later in the summer.
over 2 years ago, Brock Kaupp
State Track Meet Schedule
over 2 years ago, Mike Stephen
state track